It will make us fall in love with the printed word again: Some industry experts believe the launch of the iTablet could represent an "iPod moment" for books, newspapers and magazines; in the same way the iPod changed the way we consumed music, so too could the iTablet reinvigorate our interest in periodicals and novels by presenting content in new rich and exciting ways. For instance, the day's papers could be wirelessly delivered to the iTablet, complete with live discussion forums or social network integration to debate the key topics of the days, while embedded video and audio would bring stories to life; you could download archive magazines to the device, or view the latest articles, fashion tips and features in a digital format that has the same glossy feel of the magazine pages; and before settling down to read the next blockbuster instalment from your favourite author, you could watch an interview, or access interactive content along the way, akin to the "director's commentary" on DVD. All this will come at a price, of course, but news junkies will be hooked.
It will simplify the home entertainment experience: iTunes will be at the heart of the new tablet. The software – which allows people to manage their music collection, buy songs, and watch movies and TV shows – will help to make the iTablet a compelling entertainment device. Indeed, the tablet might even replace Apple TV, and have the necessary plugs and ports to connect to a television, bringing all of these media services to the big screen. Apple's recent acquisition of music-streaming service Lala also suggests the tablet might be the first device to offer Spotify-esque music streaming and subscription services through the iTunes store. And the tablet could also be used as a streaming hub, managing music and movie collections and wirelessly "beaming" this content to other compatible devices within the home.
It will simplify the home entertainment experience: iTunes will be at the heart of the new tablet. The software – which allows people to manage their music collection, buy songs, and watch movies and TV shows – will help to make the iTablet a compelling entertainment device. Indeed, the tablet might even replace Apple TV, and have the necessary plugs and ports to connect to a television, bringing all of these media services to the big screen. Apple's recent acquisition of music-streaming service Lala also suggests the tablet might be the first device to offer Spotify-esque music streaming and subscription services through the iTunes store. And the tablet could also be used as a streaming hub, managing music and movie collections and wirelessly "beaming" this content to other compatible devices within the home.
It will introduce new ways of interacting with the world around us: Augmented reality – where real-world images are overlaid with data and information –is set to be huge in 2010, and the tablet could be one of the key drivers behind this technology going mainstream. The tablet's large screen makes it ideal for really clever augmented reality apps; a price comparison site, for example, could release an app that allows shoppers to hold their tablet up in front of shelves of DVDs, books or the latest gadgets, and find the cheapest place to buy that item, as well as comprehensive reviews. The tablet will, of course, need a camera for this to work, and opinions are divided as to whether the device will feature a camera.
It will be a whole new gaming platform: Apple has invited video games journalist to its event on Wednesday, a clear sign that the iTablet will be more than simply a productivity tool. The huge success enjoyed by games on the iPhone and iPod touch caught Apple by surprise, but it will be a different story with the tablet. From the outset, Apple has been working with the likes of EA to develop content for the platform. The key selling point is the large touch-screen, which will likely be able to process input from fingers and hands touching the screen simultaneously, opening up the possibility of even greater control over characters, vehicles and other elements in video games. Music games, in particular, could benefit hugely from this development, and Ge Wang, co-founder of Smule, the company behind Ocarina, is said to be excited by the possibilities.
It will be the rising tide that lifts all boats: The Apple iTablet is could cost somewhere between £800 to £1,000 when it goes on sale – out of reach for many cash-strapped consumers. But the good news is that other consumer electronics manufacturers will be paying close attention to what Apple unveils on Wednesday. Where Apple innovates, others follow, and so some of the tablet's best ideas and coolest features will eventually be found in one form or another in other tablet devices in the coming months. Much as the launch of the iPhone forced phone companies to think harder about design and usability, it also bought about the app revolution, which dozens of handset makers and network operators are desperate to cash in on. Likewise, expect the tablet to force rival computer makers to buck up their ideas, and work a little harder to win over consumers.
It will be a whole new gaming platform: Apple has invited video games journalist to its event on Wednesday, a clear sign that the iTablet will be more than simply a productivity tool. The huge success enjoyed by games on the iPhone and iPod touch caught Apple by surprise, but it will be a different story with the tablet. From the outset, Apple has been working with the likes of EA to develop content for the platform. The key selling point is the large touch-screen, which will likely be able to process input from fingers and hands touching the screen simultaneously, opening up the possibility of even greater control over characters, vehicles and other elements in video games. Music games, in particular, could benefit hugely from this development, and Ge Wang, co-founder of Smule, the company behind Ocarina, is said to be excited by the possibilities.
It will be the rising tide that lifts all boats: The Apple iTablet is could cost somewhere between £800 to £1,000 when it goes on sale – out of reach for many cash-strapped consumers. But the good news is that other consumer electronics manufacturers will be paying close attention to what Apple unveils on Wednesday. Where Apple innovates, others follow, and so some of the tablet's best ideas and coolest features will eventually be found in one form or another in other tablet devices in the coming months. Much as the launch of the iPhone forced phone companies to think harder about design and usability, it also bought about the app revolution, which dozens of handset makers and network operators are desperate to cash in on. Likewise, expect the tablet to force rival computer makers to buck up their ideas, and work a little harder to win over consumers.
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