This service has been announced by the Reliance GSM. The subscription price is just Rs1 per day. You can explore popular cartoons from the Cartoon Network like the Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo and Dexter’s Laboratory. The comics will contain Visuals on one part of the screen and text on the other half.
“Reliance Communications believes in providing subscribers with the most exciting services. With the launch of Comics on Mobiles service, subscribers can now be transported to the imaginary world of comics by merely pressing a button. This unique offering caters to the constantly changing needs of our subscribers and ensures that they don’t miss out on entertainment when they are on the move.” Mr. Krishna Durbha, Head – VAS, Reliance Communications said on the occasion.
“Reliance Communications believes in providing subscribers with the most exciting services. With the launch of Comics on Mobiles service, subscribers can now be transported to the imaginary world of comics by merely pressing a button. This unique offering caters to the constantly changing needs of our subscribers and ensures that they don’t miss out on entertainment when they are on the move.” Mr. Krishna Durbha, Head – VAS, Reliance Communications said on the occasion.
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